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Horkestar - questions

could a choir be self-organized outside schools, churches and cultural artistic associations?

could a choir gather even people with bad ear?

could a choir be also critical apart from occasional?

could a choir anull the hierarchic-professional classification and produce by itself conductors and composers?

could a choir finance itself?

could a choir re-establish the Utopian processes of the “new form of collective”?

could the chorus music openly cherish different heritage of the pop culture, ranging from recital to chanson, from hard-core to…?

could a choir also be engaged in (self)education and various forms of social activism?

could a choir be engaged in development of political awereness by breaking civil prejudices?

could a choir be engaged in breaking of political prejudices by developing civil spirit consciousness?

could a choir exceed implied belonging to the music art scene and conduct a visual and stage experiment?

could a choir make performance even outside the academic space?

could a choir skip local cultural-passive rules and become recognized internationally?

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